Queen City Heroes Logo

Nominate your Hero Below. We will recognize a Queen City Hero each month. Selected heroes will receive a commemorative award and $250 to donate to a charity of their choosing. Selected nominations will be notified at the end of the month. Cincinnati Data Cabling will coordinate with the nominator to notify and present to the recipient. OPEN TO THE ENTIRE TRI-STATE AREA. April Submission Deadline - 04/30. All submissions will be considered for future months.

Nominate your Hero

A Queen City Hero is a dedicated member of the community who has served or is currently serving in a profession that demonstrates selfless commitment to others.

What is a Queen City Hero?

Who is eligible?

  • Veterans

  • Active Duty Military (including reserves/national guard w/ active time)

  • Law Enforcement

  • Firefighters

  • Healthcare workers

  • Teachers

  • Civil Servants

Why we recognize them?

Cincinnati Data Cabling is dedicated to recognizing our local and their impactful service. Our commitment lies in sharing positive narratives that inspire and uplift in a world often overshadowed by negative stories.